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[Notice] Painting Competition on “My Family” | “우리 가족” 그림그리기 대회

Posted on: April 29, 2022 | Back | Print

Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Embassy of India is organizing Painting Competition on “My Family” for Children in the Republic of Korea on the occasion of Children’s Day (5/5).
This competition is open to Indian and Foreign nationals.
Age 13 and below only.
(Sub groups: 4~8 yrs & 9~13 yrs)


Theme: ‘My Family’ – (Painting should contain sceneries/Culture of Children’s own country)
Paper Size:   B4 paper (Dimensions 257*364mm)
Please attach an additional paper with the following information:

1. Title of the painting
2. Short description of the painting
3. Name of child & parents
4. Contact Number
5. Email address
6. Residential address

Address:   Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre (04420)
102, Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
(Please send the painting by registered mail by the 10th of May)

Announcement of Winners: 2nd week of May 

◇ Certificate of Participation will be given to all participants
Special gift hamper by SVCC will be given to prize-winning entries
This competition is only for the 13 years old and below children in ROK


주한인도대사관 주한인도문화원은 우리 가족” 그림그리기 대회를 개최합니다.
대상은 13 이하 대한민국 거주 어린이 (국적한국 국적  해외 국적) 한합니다.
(시상분야 구분: 4~8세 & 9~13세)


주제 우리 가족 (우리 가족과 본인 국적의 문화를 함께 보여줄  있는 그림)
용지 사이즈: B4 용지 (257*364mm)
아래 정보를 기재하여 작품과 함께 보내주세요!
작품 제목
짧은 작품 설명
참가자 이름&부모님 성함
이메일 주소
거주지 주소

작품 보내실 주소: 서울특별시 용산구 독서당로 102 (:04420) 주한인도문화원)
 10일까지 우체국 등기 우편으로 보내주세요)

수상작 발표 예정일: 5 둘째주

◇ 모든 참가자에게 대회 참가확인증 발급
◇  대회는 13 이하 아동만 참가 가능합니다
◇ 수상자에게는 인도문화원 특별 선물 꾸러미 증정


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