7th International Day of Yoga 2021
June14, 2021

Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Embassy of India, Seoul kickstarted the 7th International Day of Yoga (IDY) celebrations in Seoul by organising the Curtain Raiser today at the iconic Namsan Seoul Tower. Located at the top of Namsan Mountain in the geographical center of the city, the Tower is an iconic Seoul landmark that provides bird's-eye view of the city. TheIDY curtain raiseris also a part of theEmbassy’s Special series under India@75 celebrations.

Yoga is a means to unite mind, body and soul. In these testing times of the pandemic, it is the ‘Yogic way of life’ that can best help everyone sail through and stay healthy and happy and in a positive state of mind. Given the theme of IDY 2021 “Be With Yoga, Be At Home” the Embassy members gave the message which was livestreamed on social media handles and followed by friends and family from the comforts of their home.

On this occasion, H. E. Sripriya Ranganathan, Ambassador of India to Republic of Korea in her remarks and focused on the importance of Yoga, the ancient tradition of wellness and combination of physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. With today’s curtain raiser event Ambassador Ranganathan invited all to participate in the lifelong journey of Yoga.

In these challenging times of global pandemic and restrictions on social gathering, the Cultural Centre is organising a series of Yoga events in different cities across Korea with local partners following COVID-19 protocols and all guidelines of the government during pandemic.

To mark the 7th International Yoga Day, Yoga sessions for Children and youth will be organised in various schools in Seoul along with Wongwang Digital University, Seoul Campus on 19th June,and Busan University of Foreign Studies on 21st June. The Cultural Centre has also partnered with Gimhae City administration for Yoga demonstration on 20th June and at Nami Island on 25th June. A Special Yoga Day demonstration and cultural performance will also be held in Seoul on 21st June in collaboration with Gandong-gu office and Korea Yoga Association.

These series of yoga sessions organised across Korea will provide participants a unique opportunity to discover various aspects of India's age-old approach to well-being. Recognizing its universal appeal, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga in December 2014.

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2021년 세계 요가의 날
2021 6 14

주한인도대사관인도문화원은서울남산타워에서제7회세계요가의날기념행사개막식을개최하였다.  남산타워는수도의중심부인남산꼭대기에자리하여서울의조망을한눈에감상할수있는상징적인곳이다.  이번세계요가의날개막식은주한인도대사관이주최하는인도독립 75주년기념행사 India@75의일환으로진행되었다.

요가는마음과신체, 영혼을이어주는수단이다.팬데믹으로몸과마음도지친시기에 ‘요가수련의삶’을통해힘든시기를이겨내고건강과행복을되찾아긍정적인삶의자세를이어갈수있다. 주한인도대사관관계자들은이번 2021년세계요가의날주제인 “멈춤으로나아가다”와관련된메시지를  SNS에생중계하였으며비대면참석자들의큰호응을얻었다. 

스리프리야란가나탄주한인도대사는이날연설을통해오래전부터신체, 마음, 영혼의웰빙및웰니스를가져다준요가의중요성을강조하였다. 오늘행사에서란가나탄대사는모든참석자들에게요가를통해평생에걸친수련여행을할것을제안하였다.  

주한인도문화원은팬데믹으로인한사회적거리두기로힘든시기, 코로나19 방역지침을엄수하여여러도시에서다양한요가행사를개최한다.

제7회세계요가의날을맞아 6월 19일에는원광디지털대학교서울캠퍼스에서 , 6월 21일에는부산외국어대학교등다양한장소에서일반인뿐만아니라어린이와청소년을위한요가세션을개최할예정이다. 문화원은김해시와협력하여 6월 20일요가행사를진행하며, 6월 25일에는남이섬에서행사가예정되어있다. 강동구청, 대한요가회와함께개최하는특별요가행사및문화축제도 6월 21일서울에서개최할예정이다.

전역에서개최되는특별한행사를통해참석자들은오랜시간웰빙을강조해온다양한인도의모습을경험할수있게된다.  UN은 2014년 12월인도의발의로6월 21일을세계요가의날로제정한바있다.

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