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For more information, please contact:


Swami Vivekananda Cultural Centre, Seoul

102, Dokseodang-ro, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
Republic of Korea


Website: www.indembassyseoul.gov.in/icc
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ICCSeoul
Instagram: www.instagram.com/iccseoul
Twitter: www.twitter.com/icsceoul


Fax : 02) 795-4258
Tel: 02) 792-4257/8

- Inquiry related to class registration
extension number 413

- Inquiry related to activities (workshop, lecture
series, open house program and other events in ICC)
extension number 414 or 415


1. Dr. Sonu Trivedi, Director
Swami Vivekananda Culture Centre, Seoul
Tel: (02) 792-4257 Ext.409
Email: iccr.seoul@mea.gov.in

2. Ms. Kim Bomin, Programme Officer
Tel: (02) 792-4257 Ext.412
Email: program.iccseoul@mea.gov.in

3. Ms. Kavita, Teacher of Indian Culture and Yoga
Tel: (02) 792-4257 Ext.411
Email: tic.iccseoul@mea.gov.in

4. Ms. Sonali Roy, Teacher of Kathak

Tel: (02) 792-4257 Ext.410
Email: dance.iccseoul@mea.gov.in

5. Ms. An Hye Eun, Admin Assistant
Tel: (02) 792-4257 Ext.413
Email: admn.iccseoul@mea.gov.in

6. Ms. You Sun Lee
Tel: (02) 792-4257 Ext.415
Email: inf.iccseoul@mea.gov.in

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